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Этот сайт-петиция служит для привлечения внимания к проблеме некачественной локализации мультипликационного сериала «My little Pony: Friendship is Magic», премьера русской версии которого («Дружба – это чудо») состоялась на телеканале «Карусель» в январе 2012 года. Петицию может подписать каждый знающий русский язык человек, обеспокоенный низким качеством перевода сериала. E-mail копии письма будут отправлены на адреса телеканала «Карусель», ЗАО «Первый Канал: Всемирная Сеть» (выступившего в качестве заказчика дубляжа), и российского представительства компании «Hasbro».

Сделаем русскую версию «MLP» лучшей локализованной версией сериала!

UPD: Март 2013 г.

В январе 2013 года на телеканале «Карусель» состоялась премьера русской версии 2-го сезона сериала «Дружба – это чудо». Наши требования, в большинстве своем, были услышаны! С подробным подведением итогов можно ознакомиться в опубликованном Благодарственном Письме.

Спасибо всем тем, кто проявил сознательность и не остался равнодушным. Тем, кто оставил свою подпись под нашей Петицией и кто писал письма с предложениями и конструктивной критикой телеканалу «Карусель». Тем, кто поверил в то, что однажды мы сможем получить идеальную локализованную версию нашего любимого сериала. После 2-го сезона мы стали к достижению этой цели чуточку ближе. Спасибо!

P.S. Сбор подписей под опубликованной ранее Петицией будет продолжен – все желающие по-прежнему могут выразить свое мнение по поводу качества проделанной работы. Мы не должны забывать допущенных ошибок, но учиться извлекать из них правильные уроки.

UPD: Январь 2014 г.

27 декабря 2013 года на телеканале «Карусель» завершилась трансляция русской версии 3-го сезона сериала «Дружба – это чудо». С кратким подведением итогов можно ознакомиться здесь.

UPD: Сентябрь 2015 г.

18 сентября 2015 года на телеканале «Карусель» завершилась трансляция русской версии 4-го сезона сериала «Дружба – это чудо», с последовавшей за этим премьерой полнометражного мультфильма «Девочки из Эквестрии. Радужный рок». С кратким подведением итогов можно ознакомиться здесь.

UPD: Май 2016 г.

20 апреля 2016 года на телеканале «Карусель» завершилась трансляция русской версии 5-го сезона сериала «Дружба – это чудо». Узнать, как отразилась на качестве локализации смена студии дубляжа, и ознакомиться с кратким подведением итогов можно здесь.

In English

In January 2012 the dubbed version of 1-st season of television series “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” was officially premiered on Russian TV-channel “Carousel”. Since then, there were a lot of controversy regarding the quality of produced localization. Arrangement & translation of songs as well as voice acting (which drastically improved towards the end of the season) were decent most of the time. Lots of foreign speakers on YouTube found Russian dubbing as one of the best sounding localizations of “MLP”. Voice actresses of Pinkie Pie & Rarity (in later episodes) really captured the character personality delivering it in the most similar to original voices way possible. Almost all man-speaking roles was also performed flawlessly.

What really Russian version was obnoxiously bad at through entire season is translation (with exception for the most of the songs). It was not just bad with oddly sounding phrases & sentences. It was sometimes simply grammatically incorrect and even led to completely opposite moral friendship lessons that characters get in the end of each episode (don’t you know that ability to deny assistance to your friends is important one and it’s better not to help them when it’s hard to?). Not to mention those awfully confusing mistakes with discrepancy of the text written & the picture we see on screen (e.g. fountain on which Philomeena was sitting in the episode “A Bird in the Hoof” was clearly referred in the translation as a tree). There were also completely omitted lines (as whole Fluttershy’s monologue in “The Cutie Mark Chronicles”), regularly changing names of places, changed gender of some background characters, completely ruined character of Zecora, spoilers in the episodes titles (can you believe that episode “A Bird in the Hoof” in Russian version called “Phoenix bird”?), censorship of some words & lines that are essential part of character personality (e.g. “cool, awesome” appears in Russian version as “wonderful” or “beautiful”; “crazy, mad” as something close to “slightly out of control” or “out of it”), etc.

We believe that such series as “MLP: FiM” deserves much better approach to its localization (translation mostly) so that people not speaking English may still be able to perceive the magic of the series in the closest way to original possible. By writing this open letter to all of the people & companies involved in production of Russian version, and collecting petition signs we hope to raise their awareness about how people are concerned about low quality of work they have put into making 1-st season. We’re demanding for improvements of the quality control over Russian version of season 2 (currently in production). The copies of this letter are being sent to following companies: TV-channel “Carousel”, “Perviy Kanal: Vsemirnaya set’” (owner of “Carousel”), Russian office of “Hasbro”.

Who can/should sign the petition? Basically anyone who knows Russian language and is dissatisfied with quality of Russian version. Let’s make Russian version of “MLP” the best localized version of the series! Yay!

UPD: March 2013

We were heard!

Official Russian dubbed version of 2-nd season of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” was premiered in January 2013. It has incorporated many improvements over localization of the 1-st season in translation quality, voice acting, etc.

Many aspects discussed among show fans and mentioned by the original Petition were put into consideration over the course of show localization. The positive impact of this is quite notable. Translation became much more accurate than it was in the 1-st season and less affected by “mild” censorship. The studio also maintained high quality of song adaptation and performance and even managed to bring it up a level.

There is, of course, plenty of room for further improvement. Although much less common, there still are mistakes found in script translation, some poor re-interpretation and adaptation of idioms, lost jokes and unvoiced lines. And while voice acting was good most of the time, the controversial decision to replace wonderful Rarity's voice actress from 1-st season hindered the final impression of it a bit.

Names of newly introduced characters weren't translated and adapted to Russian, which was one of the most popular demands of fans, though not being a part of the original Petition. It's also worth noting, that Derpy’s name remained unchanged in audio track of censored version of "The Last Roundup" (thus making the unique situation possible, where censored video was accompanied with uncensored script lines).

In the end, we would like to thank the crew that worked on localization of 2-nd season, and hope that they will be able to maintain same quality of production for the Russian version of season 3!

For more detailed review of the 2-nd season improvements (and flaws) see Summary Letter (in Russian).

P.S. And, of course, we would like to express a huge gratitude to all of our supporters, who signed the Petition, and to all of the fans of the show, who were constantly sending their mails and messages with suggestions and fair criticism to the studio. You all felt the need for changes and didn’t lose hope to see localized version of your favorite series produced with quality it deserves. Now we became a little closer to making that happen one day. Our voice wouldn’t be heard without you. Thank you all!

The signature collection will continue, to ensure that fans' wishes and demands won't be forgotten in the future.

UPD: January 2014

Official Russian dubbed version of 3-rd season of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” was premiered in December 2013. Overall quality of translation and voice acting remained at the same level, that was set by 2-nd season. The positive changes included localized intro titles of the episodes, fairly low number of translation errors and good work on songs (in terms of lyrics and performance).

On the other hand, technical issues with sound (low sound and voice levels in some songs compared to the rest of episode, extra announcer voice line at the end of “Bad Apple” that said “To be continued...”, etc.) have spoiled a good impression a little.

Premiered in early January 2014 Russian version of “Equestria Girls” was equally good, especially in terms of songs. Although there were a few serious translation errors (e.g., ruined finale of joke with Pinkie's “nervicited” word, confusing contradictory relation of ponies to the concept of “hands”). Nevertheless localization left quite positive impression.

For more detailed review of the 3-rd season and “Equestria Girls” see our short summary (in Russian).

UPD: September 2015

Official Russian dubbed version of 4-th season of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” was premiered in September 2015, followed by premiere of “Equestria Girls – Rainbow Rocks”.

We are pleased to say that these premieres demonstrated a step (or even a leap) forward in almost every aspect of localization. Translation was decent, with very minor number of errors, voice acting has improved as well, songs (in both terms of lyrics and performance) were superb. All of the said remains true for Russian version of “Rainbow Rocks” as well (which also features nicely localized opening titles with Russian actors properly credited for the first time).

For more detailed review of the 4-th season and “Rainbow Rocks” see our short summary (in Russian).

UPD: May 2016

Official Russian dubbed version of 5-th season of “My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic” was premiered in April 2016.

This season marked some major changes in the production of Russian version: new dubbing studio and as a result of that – changes in almost every aspect of localization. New approach to translation, two new voice actors (replacing the previous voices of Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Princess Celestia, Shining Armor and some others), new title designs, some changes to the sound mixing and song performance.

And although the overall quality wasn't as good as in previous season, thankfully it wasn't as bad as in first season either. Taking into account rather little amount of time new team had at their disposal to produce a dubbed version of 5-th season, the results may be considered as a success. We believe that with proper care and some more time spent on production, new team can lead the Russian version to quite decent results in the future.

For more detailed review of the 5-th season see our short summary (in Russian).

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You can freely use the following banner with link to this site http://ponypetition.ru to promote it across Internet & aware communities.

Открытое письмо-петиция за повышение качества работ по локализации сериала 'Дружба - это чудо' | Petition for better localization of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' 100 x 110
<a href="http://ponypetition.ru" target="_blank" title="Открытое письмо-петиция за повышение качества работ по локализации сериала 'Дружба - это чудо' | Petition for better localization of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'"><img src="http://ponypetition.ru/images/mail-icon-pinkie_100x110.png" width="100" height="110" alt="Открытое письмо-петиция за повышение качества работ по локализации сериала 'Дружба - это чудо' | Petition for better localization of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'" /></a>
Открытое письмо-петиция за повышение качества работ по локализации сериала 'Дружба - это чудо' | Petition for better localization of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic' 150 x 165
<a href="http://ponypetition.ru" target="_blank" title="Открытое письмо-петиция за повышение качества работ по локализации сериала 'Дружба - это чудо' | Petition for better localization of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'"><img src="http://ponypetition.ru/images/mail-icon-pinkie_150x165.png" width="150" height="165" alt="Открытое письмо-петиция за повышение качества работ по локализации сериала 'Дружба - это чудо' | Petition for better localization of 'My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic'" /></a>

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